[11] | Baseline retinal vascular bed area on ultra-wide field fluorescein angiography correlates with the anatomical outcome of diabetic macular oedema to ranibizumab therapy: two-year analysis of the DAVE Study (Fan, W, Uji, A, Wykoff, CC, Brown, DM, van Hemert, J, Falavarjani, KG, Wang, K, Sadda, SR and Ip, M), In Eye, volume 37, 2023. |
[10] | Retinal vascular bed area on ultra-wide field fluorescein angiography indicates the severity of diabetic retinopathy (Fan, W, Uji, A, Nittala, M, Wykoff, CC, Brown, D, Fleming, A, Robertson, G, van Hemert, J, Sadda, S and Ip, M S), In Br J Ophthalmol, 2021. |
[9] | A New Biomarker Quantifying The Effect Of Anti-VEGF Therapy In Eyes With Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy On Ultra-wide Field Fluorescein Angiography: Recovery Study (Fan, W, Nittala, M G, Wykoff, CC, Brown, DM, Uji, A, van Hemert, J, Fleming, A, Robertson, G, Sadda, SR and Ip, M), In Retina, 2021. |
[8] | Fractal analysis of retinal vasculature in normal subjects on ultra-wide field fluorescein angiography (Fan, W-Y, Fleming, A, Robertson, G, Uji, A, van Hemert, J, Singer, M, Sagong, M, Ip, M and Sadda, SR), In Int. J. Ophthalmol., volume 13, 2020. |
[7] | Classification of Regions of Nonperfusion on Ultra-widefield Fluorescein Angiography in patients with Diabetic Macular Edema (Fang, M, Fan, W, Shi, Y, Ip, MS, Wykoff, CC, Wang, K, Falavarjani, KG, Brown, DM, van Hemert, J and Sadda, SR), In Am J Ophthalmol, Elsevier, 2019. |
[6] | Distribution of Non-perfusion and Neovascularization on Ultra-Wide Field Fluorescein Angiography in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (RECOVERY Study): Report 1 (Fan, W, Nittala, MG, Velaga, SB, Hirano, T, Wykoff, CC, Ip, M, Lampen, SIR, van Hemert, J, Fleming, A, Verhoek, M and Sadda, SR), In Am J Ophthalmol, 2019. |
[5] | Severity of diabetic macular edema correlates with retinal vascular bed area on ultra-wide field fluorescein angiography. DAVE Study. (Fan, W, Uji, A, Wang, K, Falavarjani, KG, Wykoff, CC, Brown, DM, van Hemert, J, Sagong, M, Sadda, SR and Ip, M), In Retina, 2019. |
[4] | Relationship Between Retinal Fractal Dimension and Non-perfusion in Diabetic Retinopathy on Ultra-Wide Field Fluorescein Angiography (Fan, W, Nittala, MG, Fleming, A, Robertson, G, Uji, A, Wykoff, CC, Brown, DM, van Hemert, J, Ip, M, Wang, K, Falavarjani, KG, Singer, M, Sagong, M and Sadda, SR), In Am J Ophthalmol, 2019. |
[3] | Changes in retinal ischaemic index correlate with recalcitrant macular oedema in retinal vein occlusion: WAVE study (Kwon, S, Wykoff, CC, Brown, DM, van Hemert, J, Fan, W and Sadda, SR), In Br J Ophthalmol, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2018. |
[2] | Precise Measurement of Retinal Vascular Bed Area and Density on Ultra-wide Fluorescein Angiography in Normal Subjects (Fan, W, Uji, A, Borrelli, E, Singer, M, Sagong, M, van Hemert, J and Sadda, SR), In Am J Ophthalmol, Elsevier, volume 188, 2018. |
[1] | Distribution of Nonperfusion Area on Ultra-widefield Fluorescein Angiography in Eyes With Diabetic Macular Edema: DAVE Study (Fan, W, Wang, K, Ghasemi Falavarjani, K, Sagong, M, Uji, A, Ip, M, Wykoff, CC, Brown, DM, van Hemert, J and Sadda, SR), In Am J Ophthalmol, volume 180, 2017. |