The DATA Bonanza: Improving Knowledge Discovery for Science, Engineering and Business (bibtex)
by MP Atkinson, R Baxter, P Brezany, O Corcho, M Galea, J van Hemert, M Parsons and D Snelling
The DATA Bonanza: Improving Knowledge Discovery for Science, Engineering and Business (MP Atkinson, R Baxter, P Brezany, O Corcho, M Galea, J van Hemert, M Parsons and D Snelling), John Wiley & Sons, 2013, 576 pages.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {MP Atkinson and R Baxter and P Brezany and O Corcho and M Galea and J {van Hemert} and M Parsons and D Snelling},
	date-added = {2012-11-29 14:06:03 +0000},
	date-modified = {2013-10-03 14:38:19 +0000},
	editor_ = {Albert Y Zamaya (series)},
	isbn = {9781118398647},
	keywords = {data-intensive; data integration; data mining},
	publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
	title = {{The DATA Bonanza: Improving Knowledge Discovery for Science, Engineering and Business}},
	note = {576 pages},
	year = {2013}}
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