Genetic Programming, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference (bibtex)
Genetic Programming, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference, (M Keijzer, A Tettamanzi, P Collet, J van Hemert, eds.), Springer, volume 3447, 2005.
Bibtex Entry:
	_day = {14},
	booktitle = {Genetic Programming, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference},
	date-added = {2008-08-18 12:43:47 +0100},
	date-modified = {2008-08-18 12:43:47 +0100},
	editor = {M Keijzer and A Tettamanzi and P Collet and J van Hemert},
	isbn = {3-540-25436-6},
	keywords = {evolutionary computation},
	publisher = {Springer},
	series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
	title = {Genetic Programming, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference},
	url = {,11855,3-40100-22-45347265-0,00.html?changeHeader=true},
	volume = {3447},
	year = {2005},
	bdsk-url-1 = {,11855,3-40100-22-45347265-0,00.html?changeHeader=true}}
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