by van Hemert, J and AE Eiben
Comparison of the SAW-ing Evolutionary Algorithm and the Grouping Genetic Algorithm for Graph Coloring (van Hemert, J and AE Eiben), Technical report TR-97-14, Leiden University, 1997.
Bibtex Entry:
_day = {01},
author = {van Hemert, J and AE Eiben},
date-added = {2009-03-14 13:27:27 +0000},
date-modified = {2009-03-14 13:27:27 +0000},
institution = {Leiden University},
keywords = {constraint satisfaction; graph colouring},
number = {{TR-97-14}},
ps.gz = {},
title = {Comparison of the {SAW}-ing Evolutionary Algorithm and the Grouping Genetic Algorithm for Graph Coloring},
year = {1997}}