Applying Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithms to Hard Problems (bibtex)
by van Hemert, J
Supervised by AE Eiben and E Marchiori
Applying Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithms to Hard Problems (van Hemert, J), Master's thesis, Leiden University, 1998.
Bibtex Entry:
	_day = {31},
	abstract = {Supervised by AE Eiben and E Marchiori},
	author = {van Hemert, J},
	date-added = {2009-03-14 13:29:20 +0000},
	date-modified = {2009-03-14 13:29:20 +0000},
	keywords = {constraint satisfaction; data mining},
	ps.gz = {},
	school = {Leiden University},
	title = {Applying Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithms to Hard Problems},
	year = {1998}}
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