[6] | Adaptive Genetic Programming Applied to New and Existing Simple Regression Problems (J Eggermont and van Hemert, J), In Genetic Programming (J Miller, M Tomassini, PL Lanzi, C Ryan, AGB Tettamanzi, WB Langdon, eds.), Springer, 2001. |
[5] | Evolutionary Computation in Constraint Satisfaction and Machine Learning — An abstract of my PhD. (van Hemert, J), In Proceedings of the Brussels Evolutionary Algorithms Day (BEAD-2001) (Anne Defaweux, Bernard Manderick, Tom Lenearts, Johan Parent, Piet van Remortel, eds.), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), 2001. |
[4] | A "Futurist" approach to dynamic environments (van Hemert, J, Van Hoyweghen, C, E Lukschandl and K Verbeeck), In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (J Branke, Th. Bäck, eds.), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, volume 3, 2001. |
[3] | An Engineering Approach to Evolutionary Art (van Hemert, J and MLM Jansen), In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (Lee Spector, Erik D Goodman, Annie Wu, WB Langdon, Hans-Michael Voigt, Mitsuo Gen, Sandip Sen, Marco Dorigo, Shahram Pezeshk, Max H Garzon, Edmund Burke, eds.), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, volume 3, 2001. |
[2] | An Engineering Approach to Evolutionary Art (van Hemert, J and MLM Jansen), Technical report TR-01-01, Leiden University, 2001. |
[1] | A "Futurist" approach to dynamic environments (van Hemert, J, Van Hoyweghen, C, E Lukschandl and K Verbeeck), Technical report TR-01-02, Leiden University, 2001. |