Population dynamics and emerging features in AEGIS (bibtex)
	_day = {15},
	abstract = {We describe an empirical investigation within an artificial world, aegis, where a population of animals and plants is evolving. We compare different system setups in search of an `ideal' world that allows a constantly high number of inhabitants for a long period of time. We observe that high responsiveness at individual level (speed of movement) or population level (high fertility) are `ideal'.  Furthermore, we investigate the emergence of the so-called mental features of animals determining their social, consumptional and aggressive behaviour. The tests show that being socially oriented is generally advantageous, while agressive behaviour only emerges under specific circumstances.},
	author = {AE Eiben and D Elia and van Hemert, J},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference},
	date-added = {2008-08-18 12:44:11 +0100},
	date-modified = {2008-08-18 12:44:11 +0100},
	editor = {W Banzhaf and J Daida and AE Eiben and MH Garzon and V Honavar and M Jakiela and RE Smith},
	keywords = {dynamic problems},
	pages = {1257--64},
	pdf = {http://www.vanhemert.co.uk/publications/gecco99.Population_dynamics_and_emerging_mental_features_in_AEGISpdf},
	ps.gz = {http://www.vanhemert.co.uk/publications/gecco99.Population_dynamics_and_emerging_mental_features_in_AEGISps.gz},
	publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
	title = {Population dynamics and emerging features in {AEGIS}},
	year = {1999}}
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