Publications of Dr Jano van Hemert
[25]Reducing Data Transfer in Service-Oriented Architectures: The Circulate Approach ( and ), In IEEE T Services Computing, volume 5, . [bibtex]
[24]EnzML: multi-label prediction of enzyme classes using InterPro signatures (, , and ), In BMC Bioinformatics, volume 13, . [bibtex]
[23] Service Infrastructure for Cross-Matching Distributed Datasets Using OGSA-DAI and TAP (, , , , , and ), In Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XX (IN Evans, A Accomazzi, DJ Mink, AH Rots, eds.), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, volume 442, . [bibtex] [pdf]
[22] A user-friendly web portal for T-Coffee on supercomputers (, , , , and ), In BMC Bioinformatics, volume 12, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[21]Managing dynamic enterprise and urgent workloads on clouds using layered queuing and historical performance models (, , , , and ), In Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, volume 19, . [bibtex]
[20]Special Issue: Portals for life sciences—Providing intuitive access to bioinformatic tools (, , and ), In Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley, volume 23, . [bibtex]
[19] Automatically Identifying and Annotating Mouse Embryo Gene Expression Patterns (, and ), In Bioinformatics, volume 27, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[18]Generating web-based user interfaces for computational science (, , , and ), In Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley, volume 23, . [bibtex]
[17] A Generic Parallel Processing Model for Facilitating Data Mining and Integration (, , and ), In Parallel Computing, Elsevier, volume 37, . [bibtex] [url]
[16] Performance database: capturing data for optimizing distributed streaming workflows (, , , and ), In Philos T R Soc A, volume 369, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[15] Validation and mismatch repair of workflows through typed data streams (, , , and ), In Philos T R Soc A, volume 369, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[14] Correcting for intra-experiment variation in Illumina BeadChip data is necessary to generate robust gene-expression profiles (, , , , , , , and ), In BMC Genomics, volume 11, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[13] Towards Optimising Distributed Data Streaming Graphs using Parallel Streams (, , and ), In Data Intensive Distributed Computing, ACM, . [bibtex] [url]
[12]Molecular Orbital Calculations of Inorganic Compounds (, , , and ), Chapter in Inorganic Experiments, Wiley-VCH, . [bibtex]
[11] An Open Source Toolkit for Medical Imaging De-Identification (, , and ), In European Radiology, volume 20, . [bibtex] [url]
[10]Federated Enactment of Workflow Patterns (, , , , and ), In Euro-Par (D'Ambra, P, M Guarracina, D Talia., eds.), Springer, volume LNCS 6271, . [bibtex]
[9] Towards a Virtual Fly Brain (), In Phil Trans R Soc A, volume 367, . [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[8]Automating Gene Expression Annotation for Mouse Embryo (, , and ), In Advanced Data Mining and Applications, volume 5, . [bibtex]
[7]Rapid development of computational science portals (), In Portals for Life Sciences (Gesing, S, van Hemert, J, eds.), volume 1, . [bibtex]
[6]Rapid chemistry portals through engaging researchers (, and ), In IEEE e-Science, volume 5, . [bibtex]
[5]Using the DCC Lifecycle Model to Curate a Gene Expression Database: A Case Study ( and ), In International Journal of Digital Curation, volume 4, . [bibtex]
[4] Scientific Workflow: A Survey and Research Directions ( and ), In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Springer, volume 4967, . [bibtex] [url]
[3]Matching Spatial Regions with Combinations of Interacting Gene Expression Patterns ( and ), In BioInformatics Research and Development (M Elloumi, \emphet al., eds.), Springer, volume 2, . [bibtex]
[2] Mining spatial gene expression data for association rules ( and ), In BioInformatics Research and Development (S Hochreiter, R Wagner, eds.), Springer, volume 4414, . [bibtex] [pdf]
[1]Data Integration in eHealth: A Domain/Disease Specific Roadmap (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and ), In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (N Jacq, Y Legré, H Muller, I Blanquer, V Breton, D Hausser, V Hernández, T Solomonides, M Hofman-Apitius, eds.), IOPress, volume 126, . [bibtex] [pdf]
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