Publications of Dr Jano van Hemert
[5]Application of Evolutionary Computation to Constraint Satisfaction and Data Mining (), PhD thesis, Leiden University, . [bibtex]
[4]An Engineering Approach to Evolutionary Art ( and ), In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (Lee Spector, Erik D Goodman, Annie Wu, WB Langdon, Hans-Michael Voigt, Mitsuo Gen, Sandip Sen, Marco Dorigo, Shahram Pezeshk, Max H Garzon, Edmund Burke, eds.), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, volume 3, . [bibtex] [pdf]
[3]An Engineering Approach to Evolutionary Art ( and ), Technical report TR-01-01, Leiden University, . [bibtex] [pdf]
[2]De Creatieve Computer (The Creative Computer) (), In AIgg Kennisgeving, Artificiële Intelligentie gebruikers groep, volume 13, . [bibtex] [pdf]
[1]Mondriaan Art by Evolution ( and ), In Proceedings of the Eleventh Belgium/Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence (E Postma, M Gyssens, eds.), . [bibtex]
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