Publications of Dr Jano van Hemert
[10]Orchestrating Data-Centric Workflows (, and ), In Cluster Computing and the Grid, IEEE Computer Society, volume 8, . [bibtex]
[9]Eliminating the Middle Man: Peer-to-Peer Dataflow (, and ), In High Performance Distributed Computing, ACM, volume 17, . [bibtex]
[8] Scientific Workflow: A Survey and Research Directions ( and ), In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Springer, volume 4967, . [bibtex] [url]
[7]Recent Advances in Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization ( and ), Springer, volume 153, , 333 pages. [bibtex]
[6] Evol Comput in Comb Optim, 8th European Conference, (van Hemert, J, Cotta, C, eds.), Springer, volume 4972, . [bibtex] [url]
[5]European Graduate Student Workshop on Evolutionary Computation, (Di Chio, C, Giacobini, M, van Hemert, J, eds.), . [bibtex] [pdf]
[4]Matching Spatial Regions with Combinations of Interacting Gene Expression Patterns ( and ), In BioInformatics Research and Development (M Elloumi, \emphet al., eds.), Springer, volume 2, . [bibtex]
[3]A Novel Visual Discriminator for Network Traffic Patterns ( and ), In Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences, volume 2, . [bibtex] [doi]
[2]Graph Colouring Heuristics Guided by Higher Order Graph Properties ( and ), In Evol Comput in Comb Optim (van Hemert, J, Cotta, C, eds.), Springer, volume 4972, . [bibtex]
[1]Contraction-Based Heuristics to Improve the Efficiency of Algorithms Solving the Graph Colouring Problem ( and ), Chapter in Recent Advances in Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization (Cotta, C, van Hemert, J, eds.), Springer, . [bibtex]
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