Publications of Dr Jano van Hemert
[4]The DATA Bonanza: Improving Knowledge Discovery for Science, Engineering and Business (, , , , , , and ), John Wiley & Sons, , 576 pages. [bibtex]
[3]Automatic Extraction of the Optic Disc Boundary for Detecting Retinal Diseases (, , , , and ), In Comp Graphics Imag (L Linsen, M Kampel, eds.), ACTA Press, volume 798, . [bibtex] [doi]
[2] Automatic extraction of retinal features from colour retinal images for glaucoma diagnosis: A review (, , and ), In Comput Med Imaging Graph, Elsevier Science, volume 37, . [bibtex] [url]
[1]Towards automatic detection of abnormal retinal capillaries in ultra-widefield-of-view retinal angiographic exams (, , , , and ), In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, . [bibtex] [doi]
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